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Module A: Oil Producers Worldwide
A New Market Study from Flow Research -
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This page contains an overview of a new market study from Flow Research on the worldwide oil flowmeter market. If you are interested in the study, please contact Jesse Yoder at Flow Research by email at  jesse@flowresearch.com, or call Flow Research at 781-245-3200.

About Module A: Oil Producers Worldwide

Module A: Oil Producers Worldwide, is a component of a broader study, The World Market for Oil and Oil Flow Measurement, which examines suppliers, producers, applications, industries, custody transfer, and multiphase flowmeters. It is oriented towards companies that want to enhance their instrumentation sales worldwide to the larger oil producers but it also sheds light on the flowmeter market for oil producers. Module A has multiple purposes:

• Identify the major producers of oil in various regions worldwide

• Provide detailed explanations of company history, organization, and business interests, including pipelines and field reserves

• Determine company partnerships and affiliations

• Specify what types of technologies these companies are using and where

• Determine the amount of produced oil being exported and imported

• Determine the amount of oil being produced and consumed

This module features profiles of many of the leading producers and distributors of oil worldwide, with information on countries and companies:

North America
• United States: Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil
• Canada

• France: Total
• Netherlands: Royal Dutch Shell
• Norway: Statoil
• Russia: LUKOIL
• UK: BP Corporation

Mideast and Africa
• Iran: National Iranian Oil Co.
• Saudi Arabia: Saudi Aramco
• Algeria: Sonatrach

China: China National Petroleum Corp., PetroChina

Rest of Asia
• Australia
• India
• Indonesia: Pertamina
• Japan
• Malaysia: Petronas
• South Korea
• Thailand

Latin America
• Mexico: Petroleas Mexicanos (PEMEX)
• Caribbean
• South America
• Brazil: Petrσleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras)
• Colombia
• Ecuador
• Venezuela: Petrσleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA)

To order this study, contact Flow Research, or fill out the order form above!

Flow Research, Inc.

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Wakefield, MA 01880

(781) 245-3200

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